MAK Ubezpieczenia

Grupa MAK to największy pośrednik ubezpieczeniowy z polskim kapitałem. Od  30 lat Grupa MAK dba o ochronę ubezpieczeniową tysięcy przedsiębiorstw w Polsce i na świecie, również tych notowanych w giełdowym indeksie WIG20. Każdego roku Grupa MAK obsługuje ponad 800 tysięcy polis i lokuje składkę ubezpieczeniową o łącznej wartości przekraczającej 2,2 mld złotych. W MAK zatrudnionych jest przeszło 500 osób, w tym ponad 200 licencjonowanych brokerów ubezpieczeniowych.
M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia to wiodąca spółka w naszej grupie. Zadaniem brokera jest kompleksowa opieka nad wszystkimi aspektami ubezpieczeń – począwszy od audytu obecnych pakietów i skrojenia oferty na miarę, przez negocjacje, opiekę prawną, formalną oraz wdrożenia nowych ubezpieczeń, na wsparciu dedykowanego eksperta kończąc.

since 1995 r.

on the insurance market

What makes us unique?

Polish capital

The MAK Group is the largest insurance broker with Polish capital. The experience gained over 30 years allows us to understand the specificity of the Polish market. We systematically work on the implementation of unique and proprietary solutions.

IT solutions

For many years, MAK has been investing millions of złotys in the most modern and innovative IT solutions. The Group's member company, MAK IT, is the undisputed leader in the area of online brokerage and agency solutions.

The power of negotiation

The MAK Group has been at the forefront of intermediaries on the market for many years, which allows us to implement specific solutions unavailable to other companies.

Expert team

For the companies working with us, we have a dedicated team of experienced brokers selected from among the best experts on the insurance market. Quick response to individual and non-standard inquiries.

Insurance without paper

We are the first broker in Poland, which has simplified and automated the process of implementing group insurance schemes and their handling with our proprietary eVIDA application.

We take over the duties

We ensure all statutory information obligations and we operate in accordance with the GDPR and IDD directives. With the eVIDA application, we shorten the time needed to launch the schedule, regardless of the number of employees.

Discover our history

Year 2023

The MAK Group exceeds PLN 2 billion in the premiums handled. It opens foreign branches and dynamically enhances its portfolio of satisfied customers.

Versum Broker, another company, trusts our know-how and wants to grow together, the Group.

Year 2022

The MAK Group stands on the podium of the largest insurance brokers in Poland, and is the only one with entirely Polish capital. TC Broker, Legal Trans Ubezpieczenia and Quatrobrokers also join the Group. The Group now employs over 200 people with insurance broker qualifications. We open our first branches abroad: MAK Macula in the Czech Republic and MAK Elio in Lithuania.

Year 2021

Despite the ongoing global pandemic, the MAK Group has recorded a continuous increase in the premiums handled. Owing to the trust of our Customers so far, we are developing and the Group is noting further successes to its credit.

Year 2020

The MAK Group, wishing to provide its customers with a full range of after-sales service, is expanding the Group with a company specialising in claims handling. It acquires Mój Serwis Likwidacyjny for the Group. Moreover, it establishes MAK Re as a spin-off from the existing part of its business.

Year 2019

The MAK Group, investing in its development and willing to expand its area of insurance specialisation to include maritime specialisations, decides to join forces with one of the largest brokerage companies on the Polish market. As a result, STBU Insurance Brokers join the MAK Group.

Year 2018

The MAK Group opens a new chapter in its history. It focuses on the development of the corporate insurance sector and decides to conquer foreign markets by establishing MAK International.

The Group also makes a strategic decision: it establishes MAK TT, which is to be responsible for the development of proprietary systems for handling insurance schemes for MAK Group customers.

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