Polish capital

The MAK Group is the largest insurance broker with Polish capital.
The experience gained over 30 years allows us to understand the specificity of the Polish market.
We systematically work on the implementation of unique and proprietary solutions.

Insurance audit

We verify the current insurance scheme and the claim history in order to propose the most cost-effective solutions with optimum risk retention. The result of the audit is a report, which will summarise the current protection and show the path worth following when choosing new insurance mechanisms.

The power of negotiation

The MAK Group has been at the forefront of intermediaries on the market for many years, which allows us to implement specific solutions unavailable to other companies. We approach each customer individually. We combine the expertise, creativity and quality with the resources of the organisation to create a full picture of all possibilities and choose the best solution for the customer.

IT solutions

We have an advanced and personalised IT infrastructure.
Our tools offer a wide range of data and functions, system integration and make it possible to generate detailed reports. We also offer our customers a Call Centre Service available 24/7.

Vehicle Fleets

        In the insurance market, we can see increasing customer awareness in the context of cooperation with an insurance broker.

Currently, the broker is no longer just an insurance protection provider. The broker also has become an organiser of multi-area solutions in cooperation with the customers and in risk management. This is to limit the loss ratio and reduce the customer financial outlays.

Our specializations

Doradztwo ubezpieczeniowe

Rozpoczynając współpracę z Klientem proponujemy przeprowadzenie analizy flotowej – bilansu otwarcia. Profesjonalny audyt pozwala ustalić poziom bezpieczeństwa floty – zidentyfikować realne potrzeby Klienta poprzez zlokalizowanie potencjalnego ryzyka, a następnie skutecznie nim zarządzać.

Doradztwo ubezpieczeniowe

Rozpoczynając współpracę z Klientem proponujemy przeprowadzenie analizy flotowej – bilansu otwarcia. Profesjonalny audyt pozwala ustalić poziom bezpieczeństwa floty – zidentyfikować realne potrzeby Klienta poprzez zlokalizowanie potencjalnego ryzyka, a następnie skutecznie nim zarządzać.

Obsługa programu

Oferujemy profesjonalne usługi posprzedażowe związane z obsługą zawartych umów, w tym kompleksową asystę szkodową. Wskazujemy rozwiązania, które wpływają na poprawę bezpieczeństwa we flocie
i optymalizację kosztu ubezpieczeń, jak również funkcjonowania floty. Wspieramy Klientów w budowaniu polityki prewencyjnej.

Produkty dodatkowe
  • Ubezpieczenie GAP i przedłużone gwarancje dla flot

  • Unikalny produkt GAP mini dla pojazdów nieposiadających AC

  • Telefoniczna asysta prawna

  • Maxi ochrona pakiet produktów dodatkowych do NNW

  • Ubezpieczenie na wypadek utraty prawa jazdy

  • OC ppm nadwyżkowe ponad limity ustawowe

  • OC zawodowe kierowcy

  • Ochrona prawna

IT solutions

In serving our customers, we use our proprietary inSure IT solution – an insurance platform developed and built by a member company of our Group – MAK IT.

inSure is the most advanced insurance system on the Polish market. It provides our customers with fully digitised services and a fully automated data exchange process.

Insurance sales platform

Access security and scope

International insurance schemes

Integration and data exchange

Master agreement management

Handling third party insurance policies

Insurance financial control

Management of insurance policies and annexes

Claims handling

Dashboards and reports

Reporting to the insurers

Integration with insurers' websites

Cooperation with Partners

In order to offer motor insurance, the MAK Group largely uses direct connection with insurance companies' systems via WebService, which enables drawing up an individual offer for the customer based on the customer's insurance history, vehicle history and earned discounts. This action is aimed at drawing up the most advantageous insurance offer for each customer.
w dużym stopniu wykorzystuje możliwości bezpośredniego połączenia z systemami Zakładów Ubezpieczeń poprzez WebService, co umożliwia przygotowanie indywidualnej oferty dla Klienta w oparciu o jego historię ubezpieczenia, historię pojazdu oraz wypracowane zniżki. Działanie to ma na celu przygotowanie najkorzystniejszej składkowo oferty ubezpieczenia dla każdego Klienta.

Modern claims handling

Claims management is a key task of every insurer. It is a complex process, which often involves many participants. The InSure ClaimManager platform offers a number of benefits throughout the entire claims settlement process.

We are represented by:

Katarzyna Jaworowska
Advisor to the Management Board for Motor Insurance
Adam Mazgaj
Director of the Motor Insurance Department

Trusted us

Advisor to the Management Board for Motor Insurance

Katarzyna Jaworowska

She is a graduate of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, where she completed Management and Marketing, the West Pomeranian Business School (ZPSB), where she studied Finance and Banking, the University of European Integration (WSIE), where she studied International Business Management, and the Warsaw School of Economics, where she completed Postgraduate Studies in Insurance.

She has been associated with the insurance brokerage industry for 20 years. She is a licensed insurance broker, specialising in motor insurance. She gained professional experience in top brokerage companies on the Polish market, and in 2019 she joined MAK Ubezpieczenia, acting as an expert in developing insurance scheme concepts for fleet customers. In addition, she specialises in conducting analyses of insurance schemes, inter alia, as part of the assessment of substantive, formal and financial aspects and as part of assessing processes within after-sales service.

Since 2024, she has also served as Advisor to the Management Board for Motor Insurance at the MAK Group.

Director of the Motor Insurance Department

Adam Mazgaj

He is a graduate of the Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy, majoring in Management and Marketing. He has been professionally involved in the analysis and assessment of insurance risk for 20 years. He gained professional experience in Vienna Insurance Group companies in Poland, TU Compensa and InterRisk. He also managed sales teams, created and implemented insurance products and conducted many product training sessions for Agents and Brokers. Specialist in individual, leasing, dealership and, above all, fleet motor insurance.