Polish capital

The MAK Group is the largest insurance broker with Polish capital. The experience gained over 30 years allows us to understand the specificity of the Polish market. We systematically work on the implementation of unique and proprietary solutions.
We systematically work on the implementation of unique and proprietary solutions.

Insurance audit

We verify the current insurance scheme and the claim history in order to propose the most cost-effective solutions with optimum risk retention. The result of the audit is a report, which will summarise the current protection and show the path worth following when choosing new insurance mechanisms.

The power of negotiation

The MAK Group has been at the forefront of intermediaries on the market for many years, which allows us to implement specific solutions unavailable to other companies. We approach each customer individually. We combine the expertise, creativity and quality with the resources of the organisation to create a full picture of all possibilities and choose the best solution for the customer.

IT solutions

We have an advanced and personalised IT infrastructure.
Our tools offer a wide range of data and functions, system integration and make it possible to generate detailed reports. We also offer our customers a Call Centre Service available 24/7.

Life and personal

        According to research, over half of employees declare that life insurance and a private medical care schedule are the most important benefits they can receive from their Employer.

The insurance awareness of Poles is increasing every year. As an insurance broker, we know how important education is in developing this awareness. Western countries are an ideal example, where life insurance is considered an important investment in one's safety and the safety of one's loved ones.

Discover our insurance products

Group Life Insurance

Life insurance protects the life and health of employees and their families. The basis for the group insurance scheme is the risk of death. Each employee can individually expand the package according to his or her own needs. We can choose from a wide range of family and health benefits along with a flexible adjustment of the insurance sums.

We create schemes, which correspond to the customer's characteristics; we pay attention to additional risks or non-standard needs.

Health care package

Programy opieki zdrowotnej zapewniają swobodny dostęp do niepublicznej opieki lekarskiej na terenie całego kraju.

Pracownicy wraz z rodzinami mogą zaoszczędzić czas
i w komfortowych warunkach skorzystać z usług lekarzy specjalistów.

Casualty insurance

Ubezpieczenie NNW zapewnia pracownikom finansową rekompensatę w razie wypadku, który miał miejsce w czasie wykonywania pracy,
w drodze do i z miejsca zatrudnienia, a także w czasie wolnym niezależnie od miejsca przebywania. Ubezpieczony może dzięki temu liczyć na pełne zabezpieczenie skutków wypadku, m.in. na wsparcie
w procesie rehabilitacji.

Wysokość odszkodowania zależy od wybranej przez pracownika sumy ubezpieczenia.

Insurance of medical expenses and assistance abroad

Guarantee of safety during a foreign business trip. This type of insurance covers all medical expenses: from transport from the place of the accident to the work of doctors.

As part of the assistance, the insured receives 24-hour access to support at all stages of his or her trip (for example, in the event of theft of cash or documents or the need to arrange medical assistance).

Benefits of cooperation

We take over:
  • negotiation and preparation of contracts
  • monthly formalities
We supply:
  • information and marketing materials
We offer:
  • help of a dedicated expert
We simplify:
  • process with the eVIDA application


We conduct negotiations on your behalf, conclude insurance contracts, ensuring their compliance with currently applicable regulations, and supervise the implementation of their provisions.

Human Resources and Administration Department

We can take responsibility for the timely implementation of monthly formalities, and we also minimise the time and scope of obligations resulting from having an insurance scheme.

We prepare and implement information campaigns, training and technical activities, and a dedicated expert is at your disposal.

The proprietary eVIDA application improves the ongoing management and service of new employees; you no longer have to assign employees to insurance management.

We are represented by:

Director of the Life and Personal Insurance Office
Małgorzata Popławska Wieczorek
Director of the Medical Scheme Office
Director of the Life and Personal Insurance - Service Office

Trusted us

Director of the Life and Personal Insurance Office

Joanna Wittmeyer

A graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business and the WSB University in Poznań, Faculty of Finance and Banking. Participant of many courses on management and insurance products. She has been involved in group insurance since 2000, and began her career in this industry at PZU Życie SA. She then gained experience at the PZU Życie SA Headquarters in Warsaw, where she authored many industry-specific insurance schemes and developed a brokerage cooperation channel. In 2008, she joined Metlife, where she was in charge of cooperation with international insurance brokers and direct sales of group insurance. There she also headed the insurance sales team.

Her adventure with the MAK Group began in 2016, when she joined the Group Insurance Team as Key Account Director. Initially, she was in charge of customer acquisition and of implementation of life and health insurance schemes. Since 2019, Director of the Life and Personal Insurance Office. Author of unique solutions in life and personal insurance schemes and medical packages she prepared especially for customers of the MAK Group. She was involved in the negotiations and acquisition of many strategic contracts for our Group.

Director of the Medical Scheme Office

Małgorzata Popławska Wieczorek

A teacher and economist by education, she graduated from the Teacher Training College and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, and then completed postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, gaining knowledge in the area of "Modern practice in company management". She began her professional career in 1997 as a Claims Specialist and then as Group Insurance Manager and Agency Manager at PZU Życie S.A. For the next three years, she worked as Regional Director in Lublin with corporate customers at the Zurich Group in Poland. In 2003, she started working at the Inter Polska Insurance Company as the Director of the Group Insurance Sales Department, where she was instrumental in creating the first private health insurance VISION on the Polish market. In the years 2008-2013, she cooperated with brokers within the life and health insurance offer at the AXA Group. Since 2013, she has continued her development and career in the LUX MED Group, the largest private medical company.

Since November 2023, she has been managing a team of brokers, who sell health and hospital insurance as well as preventive health schemes to corporate customers. at MAK in the Employee Benefits Department.

Director of the Life and Personal Insurance - Service Office

Sebastian Kryczka

He started his professional career at Signal Iduna in 2009 and joined MAK Ubezpieczenia in 2010. Sebastian is responsible for the service team in the Group Life Insurance and Benefits Department.