M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia

M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia od  30 lat dba o ubezpieczeniową ochronę tysięcy organizacji w Polsce i na świecie. Spółki Grupy specjalizują się w obsłudze programów z zakresu ubezpieczeń na życie, komunikacyjnych, majątkowych, odpowiedzialności cywilnej oraz finansowych.


Insurance brokerage is at the core of the Company. With it, the MAK Group is present among the largest Polish companies, including those listed in the WIG 20 stock exchange index. It provides insurance protection tailored to the actual needs and unique IT solutions of its customers.

Our specializations

Insurance Advisory

When beginning cooperation with a new customer, we suggest conducting a fleet analysis: the opening balance. Professional audit allows us to determine the level of fleet safety, identify the actual needs of the customer, by locating the potential risk, and then managing it effectively.

Insurance Scheme Handling

We offer professional after-sales services related to the handling of concluded contracts, including comprehensive assistance in claims. We indicate solutions, which improve fleet safety and optimise the cost of insurance and the functioning of the fleet.
We support our customers in building a prevention policy.

Optional Products
  • GAP insurance and extended fleet guarantees

  • A unique mini-GAP product for vehicles without motor hull (AC) insurance

  • Legal assistance by phone

  • Maxi-protection package of auxiliary products for casualty insurance

  • Insurance against loss of driving licence

  • Excess third-party liability insurance of the motor vehicle owner over the statutory limits

  • Professional third party liability insurance

  • Legal protection

Key Areas of Company Activity

We provide specialized solutions to a wide range of industries and customers, partnering with all major Polish insurance companies. By drawing on expertise from global markets, we develop innovative approaches to meet even the most demanding requirements.





and investment



Motor vehicle



Dariusz Daraż
Vice-President of the Management Board
Andrzej Wasilewski
President of the Management Board
Robert Grabowski
Vice-President of the Management Board
Ewa Siniarska-Parkot
Board Member


M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia Sp. z o.o.


ul. Domaniewska 39
02-672 Warszawa, Poland


Share capital: PLN 55 800.00
KRS number: 00 00 03 00 90
IN VAT (NIP): 522 10 23 203


Office:   +48 (22) 228 27 66
Hours of Operation   8:00 – 16:00

Complaint Form

We strive to ensure that our services meet the highest standards. However, if any of our services does not meet your expectations, please use the form below and file a complaint.


    Miesięcznik Ubezpieczeniowy - artykuł Adama Mazgaja z MAK Ubezpieczenia

    OC nadwyżkowe – co to właściwie jest i czy warto?

    W obliczu dynamicznych zmian na rynku ubezpieczeń komunikacyjnych, zarówno klienci, jak i ubezpieczyciele muszą mierzyć się z nowymi wyzwaniami. Wzrost kosztów szkód, rosnące sumy gwarancyjne oraz zaostrzona regulacja rynku powodują, że coraz większego znaczenia nabierają rozwiązania dodatkowe, takie jak ubezpieczenie ...

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    Wektory 2024. Nagroda dla wizjonerów napędzających postęp w Polsce

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    Grupa MAK wspiera polski sport – dołączamy do KS Camper Wyszków!

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    Vice-President of the Management Board

    Dariusz Daraż

    He has been associated with the insurance market since the beginning of his professional career. From 1995 to 2006, he was an employee of ERGO Hestia SA, where he held the positions of Director of the Representative Office in Katowice and Deputy Director of the Strategic Customers Office at the Company Headquarters in Sopot. During his professional career, he actively participated in negotiating key property and technical insurance contracts.

    He has been associated with the MAK Group since 2006. In 2007, he successfully passed the brokerage exam. Currently, he serves on the boards of brokerage companies within the MAK Group.

    President of the Management Board

    Andrzej Wasilewski

    Polish Lawyer, Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and scholarship holder of the Université de Strasbourg. He has been associated with the insurance market since 1992. Since 2008, he has been building the strength of the MAK Group, the largest insurance intermediary with Polish capital, which is currently present in 11 European countries. Since 1999, he has been active as a professional boxing manager and owner of Knockout Promotions, the largest Polish promotional group. He has organised over 1,000 professional fights, including more than 100 for championship titles. He has organised and co-organised galas in Poland and around the world. The only Polish promoter to lead a Pole to the title of professional World Champion. Manager of, among others, Krzysztof Diablo Włodarczyk (IBF and WBC), Krzysztof Głowacki (WBO World Champion) and Artur Szpilka.

    Vice-President of the Management Board

    Robert Grabowski

    Vice President of the Management Board of M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia. He began his career in the insurance market in 1994, gaining experience in insurance companies such as AGF Ubezpieczenia Życie and PZU Życie, among others, in senior management positions related to life insurance sales. At M.A.K. Ubezpieczenia, as Director of the Life and Personal Insurance Office, he has implemented numerous group life insurance schedules for companies across various sectors of the economy. Co-author of the concept and implementation of an original application enabling the sale of group insurance and its online management.

    Board Member

    Ewa Siniarska-Parkot

    Manager and expert in the insurance industry with eighteen years of experience. She combines theoretical knowledge (3rd cycle studies) and practical knowledge (from 2012-2020 President of the Management Board of Nord Re Sp. z o.o., from 2020 President of the Management Board of MAK Re) in the areas of reinsurance, insurance, risk management, B2B insurance consulting, both in Poland and on international markets.

    Experience in corporate insurance, international insurance schemes and reinsurance gained both on the insurer's side (Chubb) and broker's side (Nord Group, MAK Group).

    In recent years, leader and contributor to many key reinsurance projects in Poland, including for the energy, chemical, financial and other industries.
    Many years of experience in cooperation with the largest insurance providers and suppliers of the product and technological solutions from the international market, in particular from the Lloyd’s / London.